With every order you place with us you have the option to have your shipment arrive at your library or school with minimal processing, or ‘shelf-ready’ with customized cataloguing and processing. Our professional cataloguers will provide MARC records to AACR2 of RDA standards and our team of trained processors will use quality products to protect and display your materials.
For more information about our" Cataloguing and Processing" services:
Contact Your Local Sales Representative
To set up your "Cataloguing and Processing" specifications please register or log in at the top of this page.
Enhanced On-Order Records
Online shopping at uls.com gives you the ability to download a brief, on-order MARC record, enabling your patrons to place holds on the materials you’ve ordered. Ask us how you can download brief 9XX MARC records to your ILS that contain fund, collection and location codes as well as price and quantity. When the item arrives at your destination, our full MARC records, customized to your exact specifications, will overlay the brief record already in place.
For more information about enhanced on-order records:
Contact Your Local Sales Representative