Our qualified and experienced book buyers regularly compile selection lists of the latest on-topic materials. Whether you require books for an adult book club, or titles on critical topics for today’s teachers, librarians or students, we’re here to help.
The full collection of selection lists are available to view by clicking on "Selection Lists" in the top navigation (log in required to see the lists). Please register for an account if you require one.
A sample of our catalogues and selection lists:
- Hotlist Catalogue – must-have pre-publication titles expected to be best sellers. Available as a printed catalogue and as an online selection list.
- Super Forthcoming Catalogue – pre-publication hardcover, paperback and mass market titles to be published in the next 90 days. Available as a printed catalogue and as an online selection list.
- First Nations Métis Inuit – A comprehensive database of titles related to the history and contemporary cultures of North America's First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples.
- Levelled Books for Guided Reading – Over 4,500 titles organized by reading level.
- Young Readers’ Choice Awards – Young readers' choice nominees for the Rocky Mountain Book Award (AB), Red Cedar (BC), Willow Awards (SK), Manitoba YRCA (MB) and PNLA (Pacific Northwest Library Association).